The best apron pricing card ever?
How much is that in Yen then?
The best apron pricing card came that we’ve ever seen came on a Fish Tales that arrived at Pavlov Towers from the West Country via Martin the Delivery Man, and it is without doubt the work of an unknown genius.
It contained just four words, and it is reproduced below.
Nice people free. Twats £1000. There’s something beautifully simple and yet brutally to the point about it, and it still adorns the Fish Tales to this day.
And that leads us to what we shall call the apron pricing card problem. Let’s face it: many of them are dull as a bathload of dishwater, and if you’ve got a pin in your own home then you don’t really need a price card anyway.
So what do you put in its place?
The good news is that world is full of creative people, and there’s no shortage of custom free play cards you can find to adorn your machines.
Perhaps the best one we’ve come across is a hand-painted Wednesday to stick on an Addams Family, made by Pinside user ghostrachel.
Another Pinsider, MapleSyrup, also came up with this rather splendid X Files free play card:
Sex sells, even when you’re giving away free plays, so it’s not surprising that delectable young ladies in their undies feature in cards like this one from Pinsider bcfast:
But it’s not all about exposing flesh, and Zach Wolf (Pinzach) also makes some great cards – you can find a load of them on his section of apron card ubersite Pinball Rebel. Our favourite is his Twilight Zone card:
Pinball Rebel is the home of Ken’s Custom Pinball Instruction and Free Play Pricing Cards, and it hosts Inkochnito’s repo cards too.
You’ll also find a good selection of free play cards from artist Greg Benz at the relatively new card site Pinball Cards. They may not be to everyone’s taste, but there’s some gems in there like this High Speed apron card.
And if you’re after a high tech solution and you don’t mind messing about with high voltages you can do a lot worse than fitting an electroluminescent Noflix Pinball Card to your apron. It’s basically a flat card that emits light (you can get white or coloured ones) on top of which you put one of a large selection a transparent custom free play cards (like this Iron Man) which glow softly on your apron.
(If you want to go really high tech, check out Dr Pinball’s apron DMD, featured in this Pavlov Pinball article)
But if you fancy going with the Nice People Free, Twats … route in homage to our unknown genius, Pavlov Pinball is proud to present free play cards in Pounds, Dollars and Euros for you to download, print out and adorn your favourite machine with…
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Feature photo by ToGa Wanderings
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This is hilarious!